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The Twilight Saga: New Moon Drinking Game Rules


Welcome to the ultimate "The Twilight Saga: New Moon" drinking game experience! If you're ready to elevate your movie night with friends, this page is your go-to guide. As werewolves roam and vampires glint under the Forks sky, get your glasses ready for a thrilling sip-along adventure. Each pivotal moment and iconic line from this supernatural teen romance is a cue for you to take a drink, ensuring an engaging and hilarious watch party. So, stock up on your favorite beverages, gather your fellow Twilight enthusiasts, and prepare to indulge in a game that's as enthralling as the saga itself. Remember to play responsibly as you immerse yourself in the world of Bella, Edward, and Jacob with our "The Twilight Saga: New Moon" drinking game rules.

The Twilight Saga: New Moon Drinking Game Rules:

  • Take a sip every time Bella says "Edward."
  • Take a sip each time Jacob appears shirtless.
  • Take a long drink whenever Bella stares longingly into the distance.
  • Take a sip each time someone says the word "vampire" or "werewolf."
  • Take a sip anytime Edward appears in a vision or hallucination.
  • Take a long drink when Alice has a vision.
  • Take a sip for every supernatural jump or fast run.
  • Take a sip each time the camera focuses on a character's eyes changing color.
  • Take a long drink when a human character is oblivious to the supernatural events around them.
  • Take a long drink whenever the werewolves transform.
  • Take a sip at the mention of the Volturi.
  • Take a sip every time Bella is in danger and someone saves her.
  • Take a long drink during each of the movie's emo/indie soundtrack moments.
  • Take a long drink when Bella rides a motorcycle or does another reckless activity to see Edward.
  • Take a sip whenever Bella and Edward have a tense emotional conversation.

About the Movie

Title: The Twilight Saga: New Moon

Released: 20 Nov 2009

Rated: PG-13

Runtime: 130 min

Genre: Adventure

Plot: After Edward leaves because of an incident involving Bella, Jacob Black becomes her best friend. But what Bella doesn't realize is that Jacob also has a secret that will change their lives suddenly.

Language: English, Italian

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