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Reservoir Dogs Drinking Game Rules


Get ready to dive into the gritty world of Quentin Tarantino's classic crime film with our Reservoir Dogs drinking game. This game is a perfect match for fans looking to add an extra layer of excitement to their movie night. Whether you're planning a laid-back evening with friends or a themed party, our tailored drinking rules will keep you on the edge of your seat. So, grab your favorite beverage, queue up "Reservoir Dogs," and prepare to sip along to the tension, plot twists, and iconic dialogue. Just remember to consume responsibly as you follow the color-coded criminals on their wild ride. Buckle up for thrills, spills, and drinks with our Reservoir Dogs drinking game rules.

Reservoir Dogs Drinking Game Rules:

  • Take a sip whenever someone says a curse word.
  • Take a sip anytime someone lights a cigarette.
  • Take a sip whenever Mr. White (Harvey Keitel) shows sympathy for Mr. Orange (Tim Roth).
  • Take a long drink during the iconic slow-motion walk in the opening credits.
  • Take a sip each time the word "job" is mentioned referring to the heist.
  • Drink whenever there is a reference to a pop culture item (like a song or a movie).
  • Take a sip each time a character tells a story from their past.
  • Take a sip anytime someone mentions a color or you hear one of the characters' color-coded names (e.g., Mr. Pink, Mr. Blonde).
  • Drink every time there's a flashback to events before the heist.
  • Take a sip each time there's a moment of tension between the characters (arguments, stand-offs, etc.).
  • Take a long drink when "Stuck in the Middle with You" starts playing.
  • Drink whenever a gun is pointed at someone.
  • Take a sip every time a new character is introduced in the film.
  • Take a long drink if you spot a reference or homage to another film (Quentin Tarantino is known for these).
  • Take a sip whenever the color white is prominent in the scene (in reference to Mr. White).

About the Movie

Title: Reservoir Dogs

Released: 02 Sep 1992

Rated: R

Runtime: 99 min

Genre: Crime

Plot: When a simple jewelry heist goes horribly wrong, the surviving criminals begin to suspect that one of them is a police informant.

Language: English

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