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Not Another Teen Movie Drinking Game Rules


Looking for a hilarious and entertaining way to enjoy the movie "Not Another Teen Movie"? Look no further! Our Not Another Teen Movie drinking game will enhance your viewing experience and keep the laughs flowing. Whether you're a fan of parodies or just want to celebrate the wild world of high school comedies, this drinking game is perfect for you. Get ready to take a sip every time a classic teen movie trope is hilariously recreated, and prepare yourself for a night of laughter and good times. So grab your favorite beverage and get ready to have a blast with our Not Another Teen Movie drinking game!

Not Another Teen Movie Drinking Game Rules:

  • Take a sip every time someone uses a classic teen movie stereotype (e.g. the jock, the popular girl)
  • Take a sip whenever the main character, Janey, is referred to as "the ugly girl"
  • Take a sip whenever a famous teen movie or teen drama is parodied (e.g. "She's All That", "Bring It On")
  • Take a sip whenever a sexual innuendo is made
  • Take a sip every time there is a reference to a teen movie cliché or trope (e.g. the makeover scene, the prom)
  • Take a sip whenever someone humiliates themselves in an attempt to be popular
  • Take a sip every time a character breaks into song or dance
  • Take a sip whenever Janey's little brother tries to act suave
  • Take a sip whenever a character gets injured or involved in a physical comedy situation
  • Take a sip whenever there's a cameo appearance from a celebrity or recognizable figure

Enjoy the movie responsibly!

About the Movie

Title: Not Another Teen Movie

Released: 14 Dec 2001

Rated: R

Runtime: 89 min

Genre: Comedy

Plot: A sendup of all the teen movies that have accumulated in the past two decades.

Language: English, Italian

Drinking Game Watch is your source for drinking games for movies. New movies added all the time. Remember to drink responsibly.