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My Big Fat Greek Wedding 3 Drinking Game Rules


Looking for a fun way to make your movie night with friends even more entertaining? Look no further! We've got the perfect drinking game rules for My Big Fat Greek Wedding 3. Get ready to raise your glasses and laugh along with the Portokalos family as you take on these fun and creative challenges. So grab your drinks, gather your friends, and let the Greek festivities begin!

My Big Fat Greek Wedding 3 Drinking Game Rules:

  • Take a sip every time someone mentions the word "Greek."
  • Drink whenever the characters break into traditional Greek dancing.
  • Take a sip every time Maria, the matriarch of the family, gives unsolicited advice.
  • Drink when a family member tries to set up a Greek-themed event or gathering.
  • Take a sip when someone mentions the Portokalos family restaurant.
  • Drink whenever someone brings up the importance of Greek heritage and traditions.
  • Take a sip whenever the main character, Toula, experiences a hilarious cultural clash.
  • Drink when a family member introduces a new Greek word or phrase.
  • Take a sip every time someone mentions Windex or any other home remedy.
  • Drink when a family member loudly expresses their love and pride for being Greek.

Note: Drink responsibly and know your limits. It is important to prioritize your health and safety while participating in any drinking game.

About the Movie

Title: My Big Fat Greek Wedding 3

Released: 08 Sep 2023

Rated: PG-13

Runtime: 92 min

Genre: Comedy

Plot: After the death of the family's patriarch, Toula attempts to locate her father's childhood friends in Greece for a family reunion.

Language: English, Greek

Drinking Game Watch is your source for drinking games for movies. New movies added all the time. Remember to drink responsibly.