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Jerry Maguire Drinking Game Rules


Welcome to our page of Jerry Maguire drinking game rules! If you're looking for a fun and interactive way to enjoy this iconic sports drama, look no further. Grab your favorite beverage and get ready to take a sip every time Jerry says "show me the money," or whenever Rod Tidwell does his touchdown dance. With these easy-to-follow rules, you'll be laughing, cheering, and raising your glass throughout the entire movie. So, sit back, relax, and let the games begin!

Jerry Maguire Drinking Game Rules:

  • Take a sip every time Jerry Maguire says "show me the money"
  • Drink when someone mentions the word "agent"
  • Take a sip when Rod Tidwell dances or celebrates
  • Drink when Dorothy Boyd says "hello" on the phone
  • Take a sip every time Jerry makes a reference to sports or football
  • Drink when "You Had Me at Hello" is said
  • Take a sip when someone says "mission statement"
  • Drink when Jerry has a moral dilemma or shows vulnerability
  • Take a sip every time someone says "Jerry Maguire"
  • Drink when a character says "on the phone" or refers to being on the phone

About the Movie

Title: Jerry Maguire

Released: 13 Dec 1996

Rated: R

Runtime: 139 min

Genre: Comedy

Plot: When a sports agent has a moral epiphany and is fired for expressing it, he decides to put his new philosophy to the test as an independent agent with the only athlete who stays with him and his former colleague.

Language: English, American Sign

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